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金永灿  (制浆造纸工程系)







金永灿,南京林业大学轻工与食品学院教授,博士生导师,国际木材科学院院士,江苏省省级人才。1989年毕业于南京林业大学制浆造纸工程专业,1998年获南京林业大学林产化学加工工程博士学位。先后前往东京农工大学、美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学、东京大学等学习进修或合作研究。主要从事生物质资源高效转化及制浆造纸工程等领域的基础研究和技术开发工作。主持国家重大基础研究计划(973)子课题、十二五国家科技支撑计划子课题各1项,国家自然科学基金项目7项,其他国家及部省级以上科研项目20余项,以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文100余篇(SCI论文60余篇,其中1区论文20余篇),授权国内外发明专利4件,获部省级科技进步一等奖和二等奖各1项。现任中国化学会纤维素专业委员会副主任委员,中国林学会林产化学化工分会常务理事,国家科技进步奖及国家技术发明奖评审专家,Journal of Bioresources & Bioproducts副主编,其他国内外4种期刊编委,Science等学术期刊审稿专家。指导的3名研究生获江苏省优秀学位论文,7名研究生获国家奖学金,1名研究生获梁希优秀学子奖,1名研究生获校长特别奖学金。




[1]      基于木质素结构调控的生物质高效酶水解体系构建,江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”科研资助项目,2019.07-2021.06,25万元,主持,在研。

[2]      基于木质素结构定向改性的木质素-纤维素酶相互作用调控,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2018.01-2022.12,252万元,主持,在研。

[3]      生物质糖及化学品生产关键技术研究,“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2015BAD15B090),2015.04-2019.03,50万元/415万元,子课题主持,完成。

[4]      木质素结构对纤维素酶水解的影响与作用机制,江苏省自然科学金面上项目(BK20141473),2014.07-2017.06,10万元,主持,完成。

[5]      木质素结构对纤维素酶吸附及酶水解的影响与作用机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31370571),2014.01-2017.12,80万元,主持,完成。

[6]      秸秆木质素对纤维素酶的吸附行为及调控途径,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类)(20133204110006),2014.01-2016.12,12万元,主持,完成。

[7]      禾草细胞壁全溶体系及木质素的分离与表征,南京林业大学优秀博士学位论文基金(2011YB001),2011.09-2013.12,60万元,指导教师,完成。

[8]      木质素结构对木质纤维高聚糖酶解的影响与作用机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31070512),2011.01-2013.12,36万元,主持,完成。

[9]      木质素对木质纤维原料高聚糖酶水解的影响,江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目(10KJA22020),2010.09-2013.12,15万元,主持,完成。

[10]   木质素聚集态结构活化及功能芳基材料合成,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2010CB732205),2010.01-2014.12,45万元/600万元,子课题主持,完成。

[11]   农业秸秆制备乙醇的预处理与酶解技术,南京林业大学引进高层次人才科研基金,2009.01-2010.12,50万元,主持,完成。

[12]   工业木质素固沙与生态恢复材料的作用机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(30771687),2008.01-2010.12,30万元,主持,完成。

[13]   功能性木质素固沙材料特性及其作用机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目(50373020),2004.01-2006.12,23万元,主持,完成。

[14]   木质素固沙材料的合成与植被恢复技术,国家自然科学基金重点项目(90302015),2004.01-2006.12,40万元,联合主持,完成。

[15]   工业木质素防治沙漠化技术,国家林业局948项目(2003-4-32),2003.01-2006.12,60万元,联合主持,完成。


[1]    Chen H, Jiang B, Wu WJ, Jin YC. Comparison of enzymatic saccharification and lignin structure of masson pine and poplar pretreated by p-Toluenesulfonic acid. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 151: 861-869. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.02.242

[2]    Wang WX, Sun NX, Cai ZS, Sun KJ, Gu F, Jin YC, Xiao HN. Sustainable high yield production of cellulose nanomaterials for easy-cleaning surfaces of cellulose-based materials. Bioresources, 2020, 15(1): 1014-1025. https://doi.org/10.15376/biores.15.1.1014-1025

[3]    Fan XB, Xu HB, Song JL, Jin YC, Wink M, Wu GQ. Using a membrane-penetrating-peptide to anchor ligands in the liposome membrane facilitates targeted drug delivery. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2020, 31(1): 113-122. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.9b00798

[4]    Xu TT, Dai HQ, Jin YC. Electrochemical sensing of lead(II) by differential pulse voltammetry using conductive polypyrrole nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta, 2020, 187(1): 23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00604-019-4027-z

[5]    Zhong YJ, Godwin P, Jin YC, Xiao HN. Biodegradable polymers and green-based antimicrobial packaging materials: A mini-review. Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research, 2020, 58(44): 20323-20330. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aiepr.2019.11.002

[6]    Li Y, Xiao HN, Pan YF, Zhang M, Jin YC. Thermal and pH dual-responsive cellulose microfilament spheres for dye removal in single and binary systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 377: 88-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.05.033

[7]    Xu TT, Dai HQ, Jin YC. Electrochemical sensing of lead(II) by differential pulse voltammetry using conductive polypyrrole nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta 187(1): 23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00604-019-4027-z

[8]    Wang WX, Guo TY, Sun KY, Jin YC, Gu F, Xiao HN. Lignin redistribution for enhancing barrier properties of cellulose-based materials. Polymers 2019, 11(12): 1929. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym11121929

[9]    Zhong YJ, Gu LH, Wang S, Jin YC, Xiao HN. Green and superhydrophobic coatings based on tailor-modified lignocellulose nanofibrils for self-cleaning surfaces. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019, 58: 20323−20330. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.9b04279

[10]  Wei WQ, Jin YC, Wu SB, Yuan ZY. Improving corn stover enzymatic saccharification via ferric chloride catalyzed dimethyl sulfoxide pretreatment and various additives. Industrial Crops and Products, 140: 111663. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.111663

[11]  Jiang B, Zhang Y, Zhao HF, Guo TY, Wu WJ, Jin YC. Structure-antioxidant activity relationship of active oxygen catalytic lignin and lignin-carbohydrate complex. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2019, 139: 21-29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.07.134

[12]  Huang CX, Lin WQ, Lai CH, Li X, Jin YC, Yong Q. Coupling the post-extraction process to remove residual lignin and alter the recalcitrant structures for improving the enzymatic digestibility of acid-pretreated bamboo residues. Bioresource Technology 2019, 285: 121355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2019.121355

[13]  Xu TT, Li JM, Zhang SY, Jin YC, Wang R. Integration of diagnosis and treatment in the detection and kill of S. aureus in the whole blood. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2019, 142: 111507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2019.111507

[14]  Guo TY, Gu LH, Zhang Y, Chen H, Jiang B, Zhao HF, Jin YC, Xiao HN. Bioinspired self-assembled films of carboxymethyl cellulose-dopamine/montmorillonite. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7: 14033-14041https://doi.org/10.1039/C9TA00998A

[15]  Li Y, Xiao HN, Pan YF, Zhang M, Jin YC. Thermal and pH dual-responsive cellulose microfilament spheres for dye removal in single and binary systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 377: 88-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.05.033

[16]  Zhang TW, Lu YJ, Li WZ, Su MX, Yang T, Ogunbiyi A, Jin YC. One-pot production of γ-valerolactone from furfural using Zr-graphitic carbon ntride/H-β composite. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44(29): 14527-14535. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.04.059

[17]  Wei WQ, Zhang HD, Jin YC. Comparison of microwave-assisted zinc chloride hydrate and alkali pretreatments for enhancing eucalyptus enzymatic saccharification. Energy Conversion and Management 2019, 186: 42-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.02.054

[18]  Wang YF, Zuo SL, Miao M, Liu Y, Gu ZR, Jin, YC. Cost-effective preparation of metal-free electrocatalysts by phosphoric acid activation of lignocellulosic materials for oxygen reduction reaction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44(5): 2811-2822. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.12.035

[19]  Guo TY, Song JL, Jin YC, Sun ZH, Li L. Thermally stable and green cellulose-based composites strengthened by styrene-co-acrylate latex for lithium-ion battery separators. Carbohydr. Polym. 2019, 206: 801–810. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.11.025

[20]  Gu LH, Jiang B, Song JL, Jin YC, Xiao HN. Effect of lignin on performance of lignocellulose nanofibrils for durable superhydrophobic surface. Cellulose 2019, 26: 933–944. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-018-2129-0

[21]  Wang JH, Chen XT, Chio CL, Yang C, Su EZ, Jin YC, Cao FL, Qin, WS. Delignification overmatches hemicellulose removal for improving hydrolysis of wheat straw using the enzyme cocktail from Aspergillus niger. Bioresour. Technol. 2019, 274: 459-467.

[22]  Wang JH, Chio CL, Chen XT, Su EZ, Cao FL, Jin YC, Qin, WS. Efficient saccharification of agave biomass using Aspergillus niger produced low-cost enzyme cocktail with hyperactive pectinase activity. Bioresour. Technol. 2019, 272: 26-33

[23]  Hou XB, Li YC, Pan YF, Jin YC, Xiao HN. Controlled release of agrochemicals and heavy metal ion capture dual-functional redox-responsive hydrogel for soil remediation. Chem. Commun. 2018, 54: 13714–13717.

[24]  Gu F, Wang WX, Cai ZS, Xue F, Jin YC, Zhu JY. Water retention value for characterizing fibrillation degree of cellulosic fibers at micro and nanometer scales. Cellulose 2018, 25: 2861–2871.

[25]  Zhang Y, Yang F, Hu FH, Song JL, Wu SF, Jin YC. Binding preference of family 1 carbohydrate binding module on nanocrystalline cellulose and nanofibrillar cellulose films assessed by quartz crystal microbalance. Cellulose 2018, 25(6): 3327–3337.

[26]  Jiang B, Zhang Y, Cao TY, Zhao HF, Jin YC. Structural characterization of lignin and lignin-carbohydrate complex (LCC) from ginkgo shells (Ginkgo biloba L.) by comprehensive NMR spectroscopy. Polymers 2018, 10: 736.

[27]  Jiang B, Zhang Y, Gu LH, Wu WJ, Zhao HF, Jin YC. Structural elucidation and antioxidant activity of lignin isolated fromrice straw and alkali oxygen black liquor. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2018, 116: 513–519.

[28]  Jiang B, Yu JY, Luo XF, Zhu YS, Jin YC. A strategy to improve enzymatic saccharification of wheat straw by adding water-soluble lignin prepared from alkali pretreatment spent liquor. Process Biochem. 2018, 71: 147–151.

[29]  Hu FH, Zhang Y, Wang PP, Wu SF, Jin YC, Song JL. Comparison of the interactions between fungal cellulases from different origins and cellulose nanocrystal substrates with different polymorphs. Cellulose 2018, 25(2): 1185–1195.

[30]  Cao T, Jiang B, Gu F, Wu W, Jin Y. Effects of green liquor (GL) and sodium carbonate (SC) pretreatment on structural characteristics of wheat stem lignin. J. Wood Chem. Technol. 2018, 38: 159–169.

[31]  Wu WJ, Jiang B, Yang LF, Jin YC. Isolation of lignin from Masson pine by liquid-liquid extraction based on complete dissolution in NaOH aqueous solution. BioResources 2018, 13(1): 231–240.

[32]  Jia CY, He SY, Song JL, Jin YC, Zhu WY, Cheng Q. Fabrication of micro/mesoporous silica tubes templated by electrospun cellulose acetate fibers. Cellulose Chem. Technol. 2017, 51(7–8): 693–701

[33]  Wang ZG, Yu J, Zhang LL, Zhou YD, Yang YQ, Jin, YC. Cellulose laurate ester aerogel as a novel absorbing material for removing pollutants from organic wastewater. Cellulose 2017, 24: 5069–5078.

[34]  Yao MM, Yang YQ, Song JL, Yu Y, Jin YC. Lignin-based catalysts for Chinese fir furfurylation to improve dimensional stability and mechanical properties. Ind. Crop. Prod. 2017, 107: 38–44.

[35]  Yao MM, Yang YQ, Song JL, Yu Y, Jin YC. Melamine formaldehyde modified furfurylation to improve Chinese fir's dimensional stability and mechanical properties. Bioresources 2017, 12(2): 3057–3066.

[36]  Jin ES, Zhang Y, Hu FH, Yang F, Wu SF, Jin YC, Song JL. To understand the superior hydrolytic activity after polymorphic conversion from cellulose I to II from the adsorption behaviors of enzymes. Cellulose 2017, 24(3): 1371–1381.

[37]  Song JL, Yang F, Zhang Y, Hu FH, Wu SF, Jin YC, Guo JQ, Rojas OJ. Interactions between fungal cellulases and films of nanofibrillar cellulose determined by a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D). Cellulose 2017, 24(5): 1947–1956.

[38]  Gu LH, Li YZ, Yang YQ, Wang ZG, Jin YC. Preparation and adsorption performance of cellulose-graft-polycaprolactone/polycaprolactone porous material. Bioresources 2017, 12(3): 5539−5549.

[39]  Jiang C, Cao TY, Wu WJ, Song JL, Jin YC. Novel approach to prepare ultrathin lignocellulosic film for monitoring enzymatic hydrolysis process by quartz crystal microbalance. ACS Sustain Chem Eng 2017, 5: 3837−3844.

[40]  Tan X, Jiang B, Min DY, Yang YQ, Jin YC. Structural characteristics of milled wood lignin (MWL) isolated from green liquor (GL) pretreated poplar (Populus deltoides). Holzforschung 2017, 71(2): 99–108.

[41]  Jiang B, Cao TY, Gu F, Wu WJ, Jin YC. Comparison of the structural characteristics of cellulolytic enzyme lignin preparations isolated from wheat straw stem and leaf. ACS Sustain Chem Eng 2017, 5(1): 342–349.

[42]  Cao TY, Jiang B, Gu F, Wu WJ, Jin YC. Characterization of lignin isolated from wheat leaf based on LiCl/DMSO dissolution and regeneration. Bioresources 2016, 11(4): 9676–9685.

[43]  Jin ES, Guo JQ, Yang F, Zhu Y, Song JL, Jin YC, Rojas OJ. On the polymorphic and morphological changes of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC-I) upon mercerization and conversion to CNC-II. Carbohydr. Polym. 2016, 143: 327–335.

[44]  Wang WX, Mozuch MD, Sabo RC, Kersten P, Zhu JY, Jin YC. Endoglucanase post-milling treatment for producing cellulose nanofibers from bleached eucalyptus fibers by a supermasscolloider. Cellulose 2016, 23(3): 1859–1870.

[45]  Zhu YS, Yang LF, Wu WJ, Wang ZG, Jin YC. Complete dissolution of ball-milled masson pine using an aqueous sodium hydroxide solvent. Bioresources 2016, 11(3): 6017–6025.

[46]  Jiang B, Wang WX, Gu F, Cao TY, Jin YC. Comparison of the substrate enzymatic digestibility and lignin structure of wheat straw stems and leaves pretreated by green liquor. Bioresour. Technol. 2016, 199: 181–187.

[47]  Zhu YS, Wang WX, Wang Y, Jin YC. Effects of pH and sulfonated lignin on the enzymatic saccharification of acid bisulfite- and green liquor-pretreated poplar wood. Bioresources 2015, 10(4): 7361–7371.

[48]  Wang WX, Sabo RC, Mozuch MD, Kersten P, Zhu JY, Jin YC. Physical and mechanical properties of cellulose nanofibril films from bleached eucalyptus pulp by endoglucanase treatment and microfluidization. J. Polym. Environ. 2015, 23(4): 551–558.

[49]  Yang F, Jin ES, Zhu Y., Wu SF, Zhu WY, Jin YC, Song JL. A mini-review on the applications of cellulose-binding domains in lignocellulosic material utilizations. Bioresources 2015, 10(3): 6081–6094.

[50]  Jia CY, Song JL, Jin YC, Rojas OJ. Controlled-release drug carriers based hierarchical silica microtubes templated from cellulose acetate nanofibers. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 132: 42562.

[51]  Gu F, Wu WJ, Wang ZG, Yokoyama T, Jin YC, Matsumoto Y. Effect of complete dissolution in LiCl/DMSO on the isolation and characteristics of lignin from wheat straw internode. Ind. Crop. Prod. 2015, 74: 703–711.

[52]  Geng WH, Jin YC, Jameel H, Park SK. Strategies to achieve high-solids enzymatic hydrolysis of dilute-acid pretreated corn stover. Bioresour. Technol. 2015, 187: 43–48.

[53]  Wang WX, Zhu YS, Du J, Yang YQ, Jin YC. Influence of lignin addition on the enzymatic digestibility of pretreated lignocellulosic biomasses. Bioresour. Technol. 2015, 181: 7–12.

[54]  Wang WX, Mozuch MD, Sabo RC, Kersten P, Zhu JY, Jin YC. Production of cellulose nanofibrils from bleached eucalyptus fibers by hyperthermostable endoglucanase treatment and subsequent microfluidization. Cellulose 2015, 22: 351–361.

[55]  Wang WX, Meng X, Min DY, Song JL, Jin YC. Effects of green liquor pretreatment on the chemical composition and enzymatic hydrolysis of several lignocellulosic biomasses. Bioresources 2015, 10(1): 709–720.

[56]  Huang CX, Chu QL, Xie YH, Li X., Jin YC, Min DY, Yong Q. Effect of kraft pulping pretreatment on the chemical composition, enzymatic digestibility, and sugar release of moso bamboo residues. Bioresources 2015, 10(1): 240–255.

[57]  Min DY, Xu RS, Hou Z, Lv JQ, Huang CX, Jin YC, Yong Q. Minimizing inhibitors during pretreatment while maximizing sugar production in enzymatic hydrolysis through a two-stage hydrothermal pretreatment. Cellulose 2015, 22(2): 1253–1261.

[58]  Wu WJ, Wang ZG, Jin YC, Matsumoto Y, Zhai HM. Effects of LiCl/DMSO dissolution and enzymatic hydrolysis on the chemical composition and lignin structure of rice straw. Biomass Bioenerg. 2014, 71: 357–362.

[59]  Min DY, Xiang ZY, Liu J, Jameel H, Chiang V, Jin YC, Chang HM. Improved protocol for alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of woody and non-woody biomass. J. Wood Chem. Technol. 2014, 35(1): 52–61.

[60]  Chu QL, Huang Y, Li ., Fan YM, Jin YC, Yu SY, Yong Q. Improved enzymatic hydrolysis of corn stover by green liquor pretreatment and a specialized enzyme cocktail. Bioresources 2014, 9(3): 4489–4502.

[61]  Wu WJ, Wang ZG, Jin YC, Matsumoto Y, Zhai HM. Isolation of cellulolytic enzyme lignin from rice straw enhanced by LiCl/DMSO dissolution and regeneration. Bioresources 2014, 9(3): 4382–4391.

[62]  Gu F, Posoknistakul P, Shimizu S, Yokoyama T, Jin YC, Matsumoto Y. Synergistic contri bution of hydrosulfide and carbonate anions to the β-O-4 bond cleavage of lignin model compounds in a green liquor pretreatment for enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials. J. Wood Sci. 2014, 60: 1–7.

[63]  Meng X, Geng WH, Ren H, Jin YC, Chang HM, Jameel H. Enhancement of enzymatic saccharification of poplar by green liquor pretreatment. Bioresources 2014, 9(2): 3236–3247.

[64]  Min DY, Ch, ang HM, Jameel H, Lucia L, Wang ZG, Jin YC. The structure of lignin of corn stover and its changes induced by mild sodium hydroxide treatment. Bioresources 2014, 9(2): 2405–2414.

[65]  Geng WH, Huang T, Song JL, Jin YC. Comparison of sodium carbonate-oxygen and sodium hydroxide-oxygen pretreatments on the chemical composition and enzymatic saccharification of wheat straw. Bioresour. Technol. 2014, 161: 63–68.

[66]  He AJ, Liu DR, Tian HM, Jin YC, Cheng Q, Song JL. Improving the yield of trimethylsilyl cellulose by activation of cellulose with ethylenediamine. Cellulose Chem. Technol. 2014, 48(1-2), 19–23.

[67]  Min DY, Jameel H, Chang HM, Lucia L, Wang ZG, Jin YC. The structural changes of lignin and lignin–carbohydrate complexes in corn stover induced by mild sodium hydroxide treatment. RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 10845–10850.

[68]  Gu F, Wang WX, Jing L, Jin YC. Effects of green liquor pretreatment on the chemical composition and enzymatic digestibility of rice straw. Bioresour. Technol. 2013, 149: 375–382.

[69]  Song JL, Fu GS, Cheng Q, Jin YC. Bimodal mesoporous silica nanotubes fabricated by dual templates of CTAB and bare nanocrystalline cellulose. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 53(2): 708–714.

[70]  Song JL, He AJ, Jin YC, Cheng Q. Synthesis of amphoteric cellulose in aqueous NaOH–urea solution in one pot and its application in paper strength enhancement. RSC Adv. 2013, 3: 24586–24592.

[71]  Gu F, Wang WX, Jing L, Jin YC. Sulfite–formaldehyde pretreatment on rice straw for the improvement of enzymatic saccharification. Bioresour. Technol.2013, 142: 218–224.

[72]  Liu CC, Xiao L, Jiang JX, Wang WX, Gu F, Song DL, Yi Z, Jin YC, Li LG. Biomass properties from different Miscanthus species. Food and Energy Security 2013, 2(1): 12–19.

[73]  Ren H, Zhai HM, Zhang Y, Jin YC, Omori S. Isolation of acetosyringone and cinnamic acids from straw soda cooking black liquor and simplified synthesis of hydroxyacetophenones. Cellulose Chem. Technol. 2013, 47(3-4): 219–229.

[74]  Jin YC, Huang T, Geng WH, Yang LF. Comparison of sodium carbonate pretreatment for enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat straw stem and leaf to produce fermentable sugars. Bioresour. Technol. 2013, 137: 294–301.

[75]  Yang LF, Cao J, Mao JY, Jin YC. Sodium carbonate–sodium sulfite pretreatment for improving the enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw. Ind. Crop. Prod. 2013, 43: 711–717.

[76]  Jin YC, Yang LF, Jameel H, Chang H-m, Phillips R. Sodium sulfite-formaldehyde pretreatment of mixed hardwoods and its effect on enzymatic hydrolysis. Bioresour. Technol.2013, 135: 109–115.

[77]  Gu F, Yang LF, Jin YC, Han Q, Chang H-m, Jameel H, Phillips R. Green liquor pretreatment for improving enzymatic hydrolysis of corn stover. Bioresour. Technol.2012, 124: 299–305.

[78]  Yang LF, Cao J, Jin YC, Chang H-m, Jameel H, Phillips R, Li ZZ. Effects of sodium carbonate pretreatment on the chemical compositions and enzymatic saccharification of rice straw. Bioresour. Technol.2012, 124: 283–291.

[79]  Song JL, Jin YC, Fu GS, He AJ, Fu WJ. A facile approach toward surface sulfonation of natural cotton fibers through epoxy reaction. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2012, 124: 1744–1750.

[80]  Fu GS, He AJ, Jin YC, Cheng Q, Song JL. Fabrication of hollow silica nanorods using nanocrystalline cellulose as templates. Bioresources, 2012, 7: 2319–2329.

[81]  Jin YC, Jameel H, Chang H-m, Phillips R. Green liquor pretreatment of mixed hardwood for ethanol production in a repurposed kraft pulp mill, J. Wood Chem. Technol. 2010, 30(1): 86–104.

[82]  Wang HJ, de Vries Frits P, Jin YC. A win-win technique of stabilizing sand dune and purifying paper mill black-liquor. J. Environ. Sci. 2009, 21(4): 488–493.

[83]  Jahan MS, Lee ZZ, Jin YC. Studies on the organic acid lignin from rice straw. IPPTA J., 2006, 18(1): 45–50.

[84]  Jahan MS, Lee ZZ, Jin YC. Organic acid pulping of rice straw, Part-I: Cooking. Turkish J. Agri. Forestry, 2006, 30(3): 231-239.

[85]  Wang HJ, Jing L, Jin YC. A field experimental study of lignin sand stabilizing material (LSSM) extracted from spent-liquor of straw pulping paper mills. J. Environ. Sci. 2005, 17(4): 650–654.

[86]  Jahan MS, Lee ZZ, Jin YC. Organic acid pulping of rice straw. II. Bleaching and beating. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 2005, 39(1-2): 85–94.